
The difference between self-adhesive thermal paper and thermal paper


The first is the different uses. Thermal paper is usually used as cash register paper, bank call paper, etc., while self-adhesive thermal paper is used as a label on an object, such as: the label on milk tea, the express delivery slip on the express delivery.
The second is the different protection levels. Thermal paper usually has no protection or has low protection. The storage conditions are more stringent and it will be damaged if you are not careful. Self-adhesive thermal paper is divided into one-proof and three-proof. One-proof refers to waterproof, which is usually used in ordinary supermarkets or low-end logistics. Three-proof refers to waterproof, oil-proof, PVC or plasticizer-proof, and some can also be scratch-proof and alcohol-proof. It is widely used in supermarkets and logistics industries.

Post time: Aug-01-2024